Firing Schedule Charts
Screenshot of Glazy kiln schedules
A small feature, but I'm pretty excited about these firing schedule charts.
Firing charts include three common markers for firing: Quartz Inversion, Orton Cone 04, and Orton Cone 10. Similar to the use of the Stull Diagram in recipe charts, these markers serve as handy guides for comparing schedules.
Just go to and click "Kiln Schedules"
1) Cone temperatures are for regular Orton Cones fired at Heating Rate ̊60C/hour (last 100 ̊C of firing) and Heating Rate ̊108F/hour (last 200 ̊F of firing).
2) Although Quartz Inversion is marked as a line at 573C, the process is continuously occurring especially for the 50 degrees around that temperature.
Future improvements will include the ability to specify your own markers (specific cone type for firing rate, burnout, other notes), atmosphere (e.g. heavy/light reduction), and sharing/commenting features already found in recipes and posts.
The schedule shown is @Up.pottery Cone 6 crystal firing schedule: